DCM is #1 Killer of Doberman Pinschers. Here’s What We Know and What we Don’t Know, and Why There’s Hope for the Future.

Written by Samary Birkline, © 2020 If you’re in the market for a Doberman Pinscher, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about DCM (Dilated Cardiomyopathy). There’s an awful lot of chatter in the breed forums and heart disease is among the leading topics. To simplify this multifaceted conversation, it’s important to understandContinue reading “DCM is #1 Killer of Doberman Pinschers. Here’s What We Know and What we Don’t Know, and Why There’s Hope for the Future.”

Early Scent Introduction: Creation of the Canine Super Nose

Written by Samary Birkline, © 2020 Canines are born with incredible noses. With even the weakest canine nose sporting four times the smell receptors and an area in the brain dedicated to smell four times larger than the corresponding area in the human brain. Even more impressive, dogs can use their noses (and their observationContinue reading “Early Scent Introduction: Creation of the Canine Super Nose”

A Novice Looks at Puppy Aptitude Testing

By Melissa Bartlett, originally published in Pure Bred Dogs, American Kennel Gazette, March 1979. (Photos and format altered; some grammatical and spelling changes have also been made.) I learned my first lesson in puppy testing at the tender age of eleven. After noticing an ad in the Sunday newspaper for Belgian Sheepdog puppies, I pleadedContinue reading “A Novice Looks at Puppy Aptitude Testing”